Fellows' Directory

Fellows of the British Pharmacological Society are members who have demonstrated distinction and peer recognition in pharmacology.
Fellows have made, and may continue to make, substantial contributions to the disciplines of pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, through their work, publication and presentation of research, leadership, and contribution to Society life.

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This directory has been created to increase the visibility of our Fellows and their contributions, and to support networking by providing a useful resource for members to connect with Fellows with similar areas of interest.

Here you can find profiles of each Fellow, including information on their institutional affiliation, year elected, primary professional setting, affinity group membership, and a short biography.

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Professor Anthony Dickenson

Professor of Neuropharmacology in the Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology at University College, London, United Kingdom.

Dr R. John Dobbs

Graduated in medicine from the University of Manchester.

Dr Sylvia Dobbs

Graduated in medicine/MSc Clinical Pharmacology from the University of Manchester.

Professor Richard Donnelly

Richard Donnelly is Professor of Vascular Medicine in the School of Medicine, University of Nottingham.

Professor Pedro D'Orleans Juste

Dr D’Orléans-Juste received his PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Sherbrooke in 1987 (supervisor: Dr Domenico Regoli) and did his post-doctoral training in the cardiovascular pharmacology of endothelins at the William Harvey Research Institute in London, UK (supervisor: late Sir John Vane, FRS, Nobel Laureate of Medicine (1982)).

Dr Colin Dourish

Colin T Dourish PhD DSc is a Director, Co-Owner and one of the two founders of Blue Day Healthcare.

Professor Nezahat Tugba Durlu-Kandilci

Nezahat Tugba Durlu-Kandilci holds a bachelor degree in Pharmacy (1997) from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.

Professor Greg Dusting

Greg is Honorary Professorial Fellow and consultant at the Centre for Eye Research Australia, Surgery and Ophthalmology of University of Melbourne, and several visiting professor roles.

Dr Susan Duty

Susan Duty is Reader in Pharmacology & Neuroscience within the Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Disease at King's College London.