Fellows' Directory

Fellows of the British Pharmacological Society are members who have demonstrated distinction and peer recognition in pharmacology.
Fellows have made, and may continue to make, substantial contributions to the disciplines of pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, through their work, publication and presentation of research, leadership, and contribution to Society life.

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This directory has been created to increase the visibility of our Fellows and their contributions, and to support networking by providing a useful resource for members to connect with Fellows with similar areas of interest.

Here you can find profiles of each Fellow, including information on their institutional affiliation, year elected, primary professional setting, affinity group membership, and a short biography.

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Professor Graham Collingridge

Dr Collingridge is the Ernest B and Leonard B Smith Chair of the Department of Physiology, University of Toronto and a Senior Investigator at the LTRI.

Professor Ian Copple

Ian Copple is Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, and an MRC Senior Non-clinical Fellow, based at the University of Liverpool.

Dr Alistair Corbett

After studying for an Honours degree and PhD in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Glasgow, Alistair Corbett took up a post-doctoral position in 1978 with Professor Hans Kosterlitz at Aberdeen University.

Professor Julio Cortijo

Julio Cortijo, Bachelor of Pharmacy by Complutense University of Madrid.

Dr Soraia Costa

As Associate Professor of Pharmacology at USP (Brazil), she plays an active role in several committees, and leads the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Inflammation Research, which focusing on investigating neurovascular immune reactions induced by vasoactive mediators, pollutants and toxins in order to identify novel active compounds with analgesic/anti-inflammatory properties using translational research models, that can be translated into the clinical setting.

Professor James Coulson

Professor James Coulson is a Professor in Clinical Pharmacology, Therapeutics & Toxicology at Cardiff University; an honorary Professor in Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology at Cardiff Metropolitan University and a Visiting Professor at the University of South Wales.

Professor Anthony Cox

Anthony is a clinical pharmacist and academic, who has worked with clinical pharmacologists and the pharmacy profession to improve medicines safety.

Professor Brian Cox

Dr Cox's research has focused on characterizing receptors utilized by opiate drugs and their endogenous ligands, from his early work in London on the receptors mediating actions of opiates in the brain and periphery and on the mechanisms of opiate tolerance and dependence, to recent studies evaluating epigenetic mechanisms in longer-term adaptive changes in neural function induced by opiate drugs.