In 2022, we will deliver the following activities, mapped to our new strategic objectives:
Goal 1: Advance the discipline of pharmacology, communicating its beneficial impact on animal and human health.
Strengthening the foundations of clinical pharmacology through supporting the training, workforce development, and multi-professional partnerships that enable the safe and effective development and use of medicines.
Bringing the pharmacological community together through an innovative programme of commissioned and member-led content, online and in-person.
Curating, and where necessary expanding, content into thematic priorities, which are joined-up across policy, publishing, education, training, and meetings.
Leveraging our strengths in the production and delivery of quality content to disseminate cutting edge science to a global audience.
Goal 2: Foster and celebrate a diverse pharmacological community, flexing our provision to meet the changing needs of our community.
Focusing on removing barriers to inclusion, building equity and accessibility into every entry, progression, and decision point within the Society.
Harmonising our education, training and engagement projects in collaboration with our community, by aligning them to our thematic priorities and taking account of the needs of those within industry, academia and clinical settings.
Embracing digital opportunities so that we can extend our reach, grow membership, and expand our communities of engagement.
Sharing stories that articulate the breadth and depth of pharmacology, to represent and inspire the next generation of pharmacologists.
Goal 3: Secure our future so that we can support the next generation of pharmacologists and continue to champion the importance of the discipline for the benefit of human and animal
Developing and adapting our publishing portfolio, taking into account the research environment and community requirements, ensuring we provide a place to publish for all pharmacology researchers.
Building BPS Assessment Ltd into the premier assessment and learning business for prescribing skills by growing national and global sales of our core products and services.
Adopting best practice environmental, social and governance policies and practices, and pursuing ethical income opportunities whilst developing clear targets to de-carbonise and reach Net Zero.