Awards Terms & Conditions

Prospective applicants for prizes and awards should consider the following information before preparing a submission:

  • There is a limit of one award per person, per year.
  • Previous recipients will not be considered again for the same award

Applications are reviewed by the Awards Panel. The Panel also delegates responsibility to other committees for certain awards. Reviewing is conducted anonymously; members score applications against published criteria; submit their scores to their staff lead who will collate the scores before sharing the outcome to the Panel. The Society aims for applications to be reviewed by at least 75% of eligible members before an award is decided.

Panel members must declare a conflict of interest and will not take part in a review in the event of the following:

  • They have applied or been nominated
  • They have co-authored a publication with one of the applicants within the last 5 years
  • They have an active joint-grant with one of the applicants
  • They teach or supervise the applicant
Applicants are informed of the outcome by email. Unsuccessful applicants will have their submission carried over to the next round, if they are one of the first two runners-up and their total score is at least 60% of the winning score.

Winners will be asked to complete a payment form, so that the Society can transfer the prize money, if applicable. Certain grants will require an invoice from the winner's institute. If recipients do not take up their degree, research project or studentship, they must return the award.

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