Honorary Fellows’ Directory

Honorary Fellows are elected for life by the British Pharmacological Society in recognition of sustained excellence and leadership in science, healthcare, and public service.
The Honorary Fellowship includes Nobel Laureates, international prize-winners, long-standing members of the Society, and those who have advanced the disciplines of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics through research, leadership and contribution to the British Pharmacological Society.

Find out more and nominate individuals for Honorary Fellowship.

This Directory has been created to increase the visibility of our Honorary Fellows and their contributions, and to support networking by providing a useful resource for members to connect with Honorary Fellows with similar areas of interest.

Here you can find profiles of each Honorary Fellow, including information on their institutional affiliation, year elected, primary professional setting, Affinity Group membership, along with a short biography.

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Sir Patrick Vallance

Patrick Vallance is a clinician and clinical pharmacologist who has worked in academia and industry.

Professor John Wallace

John L Wallace is an Adjunct Professor of Physiology & Pharmacology at the University of Calgary.

Professor Lisa Wallace

Lisa gained her BSc in Biology and PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology from Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia in the United States.

Professor Tom Walley

Qualified in medicine in Dublin in 1980.

Professor David Wallis

Retired from the established chair in Physiology at Cardiff in 2000 where for 33 years his research focused on the pharmacology of neural signalling in mammals.

Professor Stephen Ward

Steve Ward obtained a BSc in Pharmacology in 1985 from King’s College London and a PhD from the Royal College of Surgeons, University of London in 1988.

Professor Fiona Watt

Fiona Watt obtained her DPhil, in cell biology, from the University of Oxford and carried out postdoctoral research at MIT.

Professor David Webb

David is Christison Professor of Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology, and Head of the Hypertension/Renal Section of the British Heart Foundation’s Centre of Research Excellence (BHF CoRE), at the University of Edinburgh.