Professor Garret FitzGerald HonFBPhS
University of Pennsylvania
Year elected:
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Garret FitzGerald directs the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics at the University of Pennsylvania. Having trained in Dublin, London and Cologne he moved to Vanderbilt where he led the Division of Pharmacology. After a period as chair of Medicine in Dublin he moved to Penn in 1994 where he chaired the Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics for 20 years. His work contributed fundamentally to the development of low dose aspirin for cardioprotection, predicted and mechanistically elucidated the cardiovascular hazard from NSAIDs, discovered and validated indices of lipid peroxidation and contributed to our understanding of the role of the molecular clock in cardio-metabolic disease. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, a fellow of the American Association for the Arts and Sciences and of the Royal Society and an honorary member of the Royal Irish Academy.