Born London 1933; PhD pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, University of London, 1958; MSc (physiology) University College London 1963, DSc (London, 1997), DSc (Strathclyde 1974), MDhc (Szeged Medical University, Hungary 1989), elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, FRSE (1986). Elected to the BPS 1960 then HonFBPhS (201?). Taught physiology in Nigeria, Ibadan, University College Medical School, 1958-1967 then pharmacology at the University of Strathclyde Institute of Biomedical Sciences 1967 - 1998). Spent 'retiral' years in Hungary (Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship) from 1998 - 2006. Editoral boards of eight journals including the BJPharmacol. Long term consultant for pharmaceutical industry in the UK (several), Japan, USA, France, Italy and Germany. Chaired European wide network on protection aof the heart (1992-98). Expertise: cardiovascular pharmacology (established chair in Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Strathclyde 1983), sepsis (former Vice President European Shock Society) and endotoxaemia. Books on calcium transport, myocardial ischaemia, early post-ischaemia dysrhythmias, preconditioning and (this year) 'Marvellously Made' (a physiologist walks through the bible.