Kelly, Professor John Shearer; Educ: George Heriot's School, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University 1965-68 Deg: BSc (Edin) 1960, MB ChB 1962, PhD (Edin) 1966, MA (Cantab) 1976. Appts: 1967-68 Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Edinburgh University, 1968 Wellcome Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Research in Anaesthesia, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 1969-71 Canadian Medical Research Council Scholar and Assistant Professor in the Departments of Research in Anaesthesia and Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1970 IBRO Research Fellow, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1971-1979 MRC Scientific Staff, Neurochemical Pharmacology Unit, Department of Pharmacology, Cambridge, 1976-9 Fellow of King’s College Cambridge; College Lecturer in Pharmacology, 1979-85 Professor and Chairman of Pharmacology, St George's Hospital Medical School. 1985-2002 Professor of Pharmacology, Edinburgh University. 1992-2002 Director Fujisawa Institute of Neuroscience. 2002 retired as Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology. Hons: FRSE 1989, FRCP 1995, FMedSci 2000, HonFBPhS 2007 Publ: Various research papers and reviews on neuropharmacology and biophysics.