Professor Charles George MD HonFBPhS
University of Southampton
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Charles studied medicine in Birmingham and undertook specialist training in Clinical Pharmacology at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School/Hammersmith Hospital. He was appointed senior lecturer at the University of Southampton in 1973 and became professor in 1975. He served on the Committee on the Review of Medicines fro 6 years and edited the British Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology.From 1986 to 2000, he chaired the Joint Formulary Committee responsible for overseeing the production of the British National Formulary. His specialist interests include cardiovascular pharmacology, pre-systemic drug metabolism and drug therapy in old age. He served as Dean of Medicine and later Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Health and Biological Sciences. He represented the university on the General Medical Council and chaired its Education Committee. He was knighted in 1998 for services to medicine and medical education. Later, he became medical director of the British Heart Foundation, President of the British Medical Association and chaired the Stroke Association. He is a Founder Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.