Professor Isla Mackenzie MBChB (Honours) PhD PGCertMedEd FRCP Edin FBIHS FBPhS
University of Dundee and Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
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Prof Isla Mackenzie is Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Honorary Consultant Physician at the University of Dundee and Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. She is the Deputy Director of the Medicines Monitoring Unit (MEMO) and Hypertension Research Centre (HRC), University of Dundee. Prof Mackenzie completed Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics specialist training in Cambridge. She currently leads clinical research studies in cardiovascular disease and drug safety. Other research interests include pharmacoepidemiology and clinical trial methodology. Clinical interests include cardiovascular risk prevention, adrenal disease and general medicine. Prof Mackenzie sits on several trial steering committees and other national committees relating to pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical medicine, medicine and hypertension.