Dr Michael Curtis FBPhS
King’s College London
Year elected:
Primary professional setting:
Mike graduated with a BSc in pharmacology from Chelsea College in 1979, and a PhD from University of British Columbia in 1986 (under the supervision of Michael Walker). After 3 years’ postdoctoral training at the Rayne Institute (under the supervision of David Hearse), Mike became a lecturer in Pharmacology at King’s College London in 1989, and reader in 1996. His research is cardiovascular and his main interest is antiarrhythmic and proarrhythmic drugs. He has published over 100 papers (cited over 5000 times) and has an h index of 34. Mike has supervised 12 PhD students, two of whom were AJ Clark scholars. He has a keen interest in teaching and training, and has published several research guidance articles including the BJP design and analysis guidance (2015) and the Lambeth Conventions arrhythmia guidance (2013). Mike has held several editorial roles including reviews and themed issues editor for BJP (to finish a 17 year run on its editorial board) and has been editor in chief of J Pharm Tox Methods since 2001. He served on the executive committee of the BPS for 3 years, and that of the British Society for Cardiovascular research for 17 years (15 as treasurer).