Dr Yuling Ma

Dr Yuling Ma


Dr Yuling Ma


University of Oxford

Year elected:


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Graduated in biology from Peking University with research interest in electrophysiology/Pharmacology. She then gained a MSc at China Academy of Chinses Medical Sciences by studying the cardiac pharmacological effect of an herbal medicine Mudanpi (Paeonia suffruticosa). In 1995 she gained a PhD awarded by University of London through studying the electrophysiological properties of Paeonol, a compound of Mudanpi supported by ORS & KC Wang scholarships. However, the widely reported proarrhythmic effect of the antiarrhythmic drugs led her to become interested in ameliorating drug-induced adverse reactions in discovering research. Her keynote speech in 2013: From the Easter to the West – A Path Towards Enlightment in Medicine Research led to the establishment, at University of Oxford, a research programme to study the action mechanisms of a clinically effective and save antiarrhythmic/multicomponent medicine. Her team’s research attracted wide interests: Global SciPod-the power of traditional Chinese medicine; part of the discoveries was granted a US patent in Nov. 2021. The achievement made in the past 10 years opens opportunities for her to pursue further studies in Pharmacology.