Dr Daniel Marks

Dr Daniel Marks


Dr Daniel Marks



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Daniel Marks is Executive Medical Director and Global Project Leader in Early Clinical Immunology at AstraZeneca. He is responsible for early phase drug development from the clinical science through to Phase 3 clinical trials. Daniel joined AZ in 2020, having previously been Director, Discovery Medicine at GSK. He is a dual accredited clinical pharmacologist and internal medicine physician, and retains a consultant post at University College London Hospital and an Honorary Associate Professorship at University College London. Prior to joining industry, Daniel was a Wellcome Trust postdoctoral fellow, with a research focus on the immunopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. He has published numerous experimental medicine research papers, designed and delivered multiple clinical trials from Phase 0 to Phase 3, and has provided clinical leadership for novel drug target identification and early development programmes. Daniel is also a Member of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine, and Executive Editor of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. He continues to teach regularly on clinical pharmacology and drug discovery, and was awarded the 2022 Rang Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Clinical Pharmacology.