Professor Sven-Erik Dahlén
Karolinska Institutet
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Sven-Erik Dahlén (MD, PhD, FERS, MAE) is Professor of asthma and allergy research at Karolinska Institutet (KI) and the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, and Director of the Centre for Allergy Research at KI. He conducts translational research on leukotrienes, prostaglandins and related compounds in asthma. He was chairman of the NC-IUPHAR committee for definition of leukotriene receptors. Numerous faculty appointments have included chair of the selection committee for Vice-Chancellor, Deans and Faculty Boards. Research Director of ERS (European Respiratory Society) 2007-2011 with responsibility for EU affairs, fellowship programme and scientific awards. External reviewer for UK MRC, NC3R, and NIH. PI or partner in many EU projects, currently two IMI projects for precision medicine in severe asthma (U-BIOPRED and 3TR-WP8). Supervision of about 50 doctoral and post doctoral fellows. He has published 350 peer-reviewed papers (26,500 cites; h-factor 64). Awards include The Priscilla Piper Memorial Lecture in 1996, and The Eicosanoid Foundation Award for “Exceptional Contributions to Human Physiology & Translational Medicine” in 2019.