Professor Colin Davidson
University of Central Lancashire
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Colin is Professor in Neuropharmacology and Head of Pharmacy & Biomedical Sciences at the University of Central Lancashire. Brought up in Dumfriesshire and educated at Annan Academy and Edinburgh University (BSc Biological Sciences (Hons Psychology); PgDip Neuroscience). Colin then took a PhD at the Royal London Hospital under Dr Jon Stamford, examining the mechanism of action of paroxetine. Colin’s first postdoc was at St Andrews University (Psychology) and then Duke University (Psychiatry) becoming Assistant Professor and working closely with Prof Everett Ellinwood on novel medications for stimulant abuse (funded by NIDA). After 9 years in the USA Colin moved back to the UK, first at Leicester University and then St George’s in London where he was a Senior Lecturer undertaking research on legal highs and funded by the EU. Colin then took at Chair at UCLan and led the Pharmacology & Physiology section before becoming Head of School. Outside of UCLan Colin is on the BPS Awards Committee, The RPS Assessment & Regulatory Committee, The RPI MPharm accreditation panel and is an expert witness for the MOD. Colin has given talks on drug abuse at the Home Office and the UN in Vienna.