Professor Pasquale Maffia FRSB FESC FBPhS FBPhS
University of Glasgow
Year elected:
Primary professional setting:
I am currently a Professor of Cardiovascular Immunology at the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation at the University of Glasgow. I also serve as a Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Naples Federico II. I am an elected fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, the British Pharmacological Society and the European Society of Cardiology.I serve on the Executive Committee of the IUPHAR Immunopharmacology Section, as Vice Chair of the IUIS Immunotherapy Committee, on the BPS Engagement Committee, on the Fellowship Committee of the British Heart Foundation and on the Heart Research UK Translational Research Medical Review Panel.I am a Deputy Editor of Cardiovascular Research, Associate Editor of Pharmacological Research, Editor in Chief (Health Section) of Frontiers for Young Minds and Editorial Board Member of the British Journal of Pharmacology and Scientific Reports.I have a major interest in the immune response in cardiovascular disease. I have authored over 100 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals including Nature Genetics, Nature Reviews Immunology, Immunity, European Heart Journal, Circulation, Circulation Research and Blood.