Professor Anthony Fenech FBPhS
University of Malta, Department of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
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Anthony Fenech obtained his PhD in molecular pharmacology from the University of Nottingham in 2003, under the tutorship of Professor Ian Hall. He currently heads the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics at the University of Malta, which co-ordinates and teaches pharmacology to over 14 degree courses. He also co-ordinates the molecular pharmacology research components of the department and is regularly appointed to Boards of Examiners for PhD and Masters dissertations. Anthony Fenech’s research interests focus on the molecular pharmacology of asthma, COPD and lung cancer, with a special interest in pharmacogenetic aspects. He has acted by invitation as a peer reviewer for international pharmacology journals, and sat on abstract review boards for international conferences. He has also been a member of the European Medicines AgencyPharmacogenomics Working party for several years. On a local level, he sits on various boards and committees within the University of Malta, where he contributes to academic programme development, student assessment, academic web and medical journal editorial matters, and advisory issues on qualifications for entry to the MD course.