Dr Janet Nicholson

Dr Janet Nicholson


Dr Janet Nicholson


Boehringer Ingelheim

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Janet R Nicholson is a Global Asset Lead in the Department of Translational Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology at Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany. She received her PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Cambridge in collaboration with Parke-Davis Neuroscience Research Centre. Dr Nicholson conducted a post-doctoral research fellowship at the Mental Health Research Institute, Michigan, USA before returning to Europe to take up a position at the University of Basel, Switzerland where she worked in collaboration with Santhera Pharmaceuticals. Dr Nicholson spent several years in the Pain Therapeutic Area at Pfizer, Sandwich, UK, before joining Boehringer Ingelheim in 2011. As Director in the CNS Diseases Research Department, Dr Nicholson led a neuropharmacology group working in the field of Precision Psychiatry for almost 10 years. Dr Nicholson moved to her current role in 2022 where she now leads early clinical asset teams working on the development of new therapeutic approaches for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. A focus throughout Dr Nicholson´s career has been neuropeptides, in particular the opioid, melanocortin and hypocretin/orexin systems.