Dr Malcolm Begg

Dr Malcolm Begg


Dr Malcolm Begg


Apollo Therapeutics

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Malcolm completed his degree in Pharmacology at the University of Aberdeen followed by a PhD at the University of Hertfordshire, researching cannabinoid receptor signalling. This was followed by a post-doc at the National Institutes of Health (USA), also on cannabinoid receptors and a second at the National Institute of Medical Research (UK) studying proton channels involved in viral replication. Malcolm joined the Respiratory division of GSK in 2005, initially laboratory based optimising the pharmacological properties of molecules to progress into clinical development. Malcolm then became responsible for project leadership of molecules through Phase1 and Phase2 clinical trials, delivering safety, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and efficacy data packages. Malcolm also developed novel human challenge models to aid drug discovery in partnership with Universities. In 2024 Malcolm moved to Apollo Therapeutics to lead molecules through early clinical development. Throughout his career Malcolm has published data, presented at congresses, and given drug discovery seminars to different student groups.