Dr Sophie Bradley
Sosei Heptares
Year elected:
Primary professional setting:
Sophie completed her CASE PhD in molecular pharmacology at the University of Leicester (supported by GlaxoSmithKline), under the supervision of Prof John Challiss. Subsequently, Sophie moved to the MRC Toxicology Unit as a Career Development Fellow to work with Prof. Andrew Tobin. During this time, Sophie’s work employed a battery of novel (chemo)genetic and disease mouse models to define the physiological roles of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in vivo. In 2016, Sophie relocated to the University of Glasgow as a Lord Kelvin Adam Smith fellow, and subsequently Senior Lecturer. Sophie’s group focussed on targeting GPCRs in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration and she was awarded the David Hague Early Career Investigator of The Year award from ARUK 2020. Her laboratory formed part of the newly established Centre for Translational Pharmacology (working with Prof. Graeme Milligan, Prof. Andrew Tobin and Dr. Brian Hudson). She relocated to Sosei Heptares as an Associate Director in Translational Sciences (neuroscience) in 2021 and remains an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow. Sophie has been a member of the BPS since the start of her PhD in 2007.