Professor David Hepburn FBPhS
University of Hull
Year elected:
Primary professional setting:
David Hepburn is an honorary Professor at Hull York Medical School (HYMS) where he has spent the last 12 years in senior educational roles, most notably developing and delivering teaching in therapeutics and prescribing. Trained as a Consultant in Diabetes, Endocrinology and General Medicine he held several medical management roles culminating in nearly eight years as Executive Medical Director at Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals before moving into education. Most recently as Clinical Dean he was responsible for delivery and quality assurance of undergraduate education for the hospital. He introduced cutting edge education methods at HYMS, including virtual reality simulation, and for the delivery of undergraduate prescribing and therapeutics teaching e-learning he authored and remote teaching delivery. He is a member of the PSA assessment board and executive in his role as the chair of the PSA standard setting group which he was selected for in 2022 having been a member of the group for 10 years. He has also been part of the original MLA applied knowledge test pilot standard setting group and a question writer for the specialist certificate examination for acute medicine.