Dr Richard Turner

Dr Richard Turner


Dr Richard Turner


University of Liverpool

Year elected:


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Dr Richard M Turner MA, MB BChir, PhD, MRCP (UK) is a director in GSK whose team undertakes novel translational and pharmacogenetic research to support drug development. Previously, he was an Academic Clinical Lecturer and completed clinical training in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics with General Internal Medicine at the University of Liverpool and Royal Liverpool Hospital. He graduated in medicine from the University of Cambridge and undertook his PhD as an MRC fellow in Liverpool. His translational research focuses on harnessing genetics to parse and optimise drug response. Of note, he has identified novel genetic variants associated with atorvastatin metabolism and was a founding member of the Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics consortium that demonstrated in the PREPARE study that implementing pharmacogenetic panel testing is associated with significantly reduced adverse drug reactions. He has taught pharmacogenetics internationally and regularly on UK Genomic Medicine programmes. He is a longstanding active member of the British Pharmacological Society, previously sat on the StR Clinical Sub-committee and has recently joined the Society’s Clinical Committee.