Professor Paul Gard PhD FBPhS
University of Brighton
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Paul Gard graduated from the University of Nottingham with BSc Joint Honours Psychology and Pharmacology in 1979. He completed a PhD at Aston University, studying the effects of hormones on behaviour particularly premenstrual syndrome and post-partum depression. Paul joined Brighton School of Pharmacy in 1983 teaching pharmacology to students of pharmacy, nursing, podiatry and, more recently, medicine. He has also spent sabbatical periods at the School of Pharmacy, Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand and the Laboratorium voor Moleculaire en Biochemische Farmacologie, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels. He was appointed Professor of Experimental Therapeutics in 2013 and is a Deputy Head of the School of Pharmacy & Biomolecular Sciences. Professor Gard’s research interests are the effects of hormones and drugs on mood, behaviour and cognition with particular interest in the brain renin-angiotensin system; current research is exploring the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol and the aetiology of foetal alcohol syndrome.