
Our blog is a platform for members and partners to share their views and tell us about their work and interests. If you have any ideas for articles then get in touch.


Your Society: Our upcoming events

23 Aug 2021 in Your Society published August 2021

Read the latest blog from Society CEO, Rachel Lambert-Forsyth.

President’s Message: The Life Sciences Vision and Pharmacology 2021

22 Jul 2021 in President's message published July 2021

In his blog this month, Society President Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed shares the importance of the Government’s new life sciences vision for the Society and looks forward to some exciting content at our upcoming Pharmacology 2021 meeting.

Your Society: Celebrating our members

23 Jun 2021 in Your Society published June 2021

Read the latest blog from Society CEO, Rachel Lambert-Forsyth.

The role of genetic testing in healthy ageing

28 May 2021 published May 2021

Pharmacology Matters editor Taichi Ochi explains how genetic testing can help us to age well. 

President's Message: Announcing our prize winners

24 May 2021 in President's message published May 2021

Society President Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed announces our 2021 prize recipients. 

Mental health in the work environment

14 May 2021 published May 2021

For 2021 Mental Health Awareness Week, Edward (Ted) Wickstead discusses the importance of looking after your mental health at work, including ideas for how employers can create supportive working environments and ways employees can seek help. 

Changing the narrative around schizophrenia

12 May 2021 published May 2021

Schizophrenia is a complex condition which impacts millions of people worldwide. In our blog for 2021 Mental Health Awareness Week, pharmacology student Erin Meldrum explains some of the issues and how she hopes to drive change in this area. 

Launching the Undergraduate Network

28 Apr 2021 published April 2021

In 2020, the Society launched an online network for undergraduate students. We hear from two of the Network Leaders, Alina and Weston, on the network’s varied activities, including their recent successful networking event.

Your Society: First look at our membership survey

26 Apr 2021 in Your Society published April 2021

Society CEO, Rachel Lambert-Forsyth shares a glimpse of the membership survey results

What I took away from a year studying science communication

16 Apr 2021 published April 2021

The Society's Editorial Project Manager, Emma Needham, explains some of her key takeaways from a year studying the broad and exciting field of science communication. 

Exploring the status of animal models of psychiatric disorders - my experience

08 Apr 2021 published April 2021

Okwuofu Emmanuel Oshiogwe gives key takeaways from our joint event with the Laboratory Animal Science Association (LASA) and the Psychiatry Consortium about exploring animal models of psychiatric disorders.