Please consult the documents below before submitting an abstract to a British Pharmacological Society meeting:
Publication of proceedings
Selected abstracts from Pharmacology 2019 will be published in the British Journal of Pharmacology and the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology as early as possible. The proceedings of general and most focused meetings are available online in pA2online. Clinical abstracts published before December 2012 can be found in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology; from January 2013 clinical abstracts are also published in pA2online.
Citing an abstract
It is recommended that members refer to their published abstracts as outlined below:
From the 1st British Pharmacological Society Focused Meeting, Bristol, Spring 2003 up to and including the University of Newcastle, Winter 2004 Meeting: Proceedings of the British Pharmacological Society at
From the University of Cambridge, Summer 2005 Meeting:
Proceedings of the British Pharmacological Society at