The Society's subsidiary medical e-learning and online assessment company is making content available for free during this time:
- 27 e-learning sessions in prescribing
- 15 clinical case scenarios
- Approximately 12 hours of distance-based learning
All resources are suitable for NHS staff returning to practice (e.g. doctors, nurses and pharmacists). They are also ideal for medical and pharmacy schools with students who are now studying remotely, and for individual students looking to update their skills. The content is available now, with sign up via a login page that requires name and email input.
The Society has developed a series of curricula to support the teaching of pharmacology in the UK.
Undergraduate core curriculum
Medical curriculum
Curriculum for the user of research animals
These useful resources can be reviewed to inform teaching and course structure. If you have any feedback for the Society on these resources, please email
Blog: Pharmacology Education during Covid-19
The Society's Education and Training committee put together a blog, led by the Society's VP Academic Development, Dr Steven Tucker. This resource pools together some successes and challenges of teaching, assessments and research in light of suspension to face-to-face teaching.
Blinding eLearning Resource
The Society is launching digital eLearning resources to support the teaching and learning of experimental design. This novel resource on blinding is aimed at undergraduates and is free to use! It includes an animation on a blinded experiment, formative questions and a literature review task.
Education Grant 2021
The Society awards a grant to support the creation or development of pharmacological educational tools and resources. We award up to £2,500 to each successful applicant. The deadline to apply in Friday 30th August 2020. Find out more here
External educational resources
Free resources created by Dr Dave Lewis (University of Leeds)
Final year research guides - 14 one page "How to Do It" guides covering traditional and non-traditional projects to support the delivery of undergraduate final year research/honours/capstone projects .
Choosing the right final year research, honours or capstone project for you - This resource contains information and resources related to final year projects.
Open access data repositories - This resource was created to share knowledge of publically available datasets from around the world for use in education (irrespective of discipline).
e-BioPracticals - This resource was created to share knowledge of e-Learning resources for use as alternatives to, or in conjuction with, laboratory or fieldwork practical activities in the Biosciences. It was developed in part with funding from a British Pharmacological Society Teaching Grant.
Please email Dr Dave Lewis at if you have suitable recommendations to these resources.
The International Union of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR)
Guide to Pharmacology – this jointly produced, and expertly curated resource is a searchable database with quantitative information on drug targets and the prescription medicines and experimental drugs that act on them.
Pharmacology Education Project – this web‐based resource provides educational focused content to complement the IUPHAR/British Pharmacological Society (BPS) Guide to Pharmacology (GToPdb).
Advance HE
This organisation provides support to higher education institutes focussed on strategic change and continuous improvement.
The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)
Education and Careers – educational and career resources for students, postdocs, educators, and members in all career stages.
Teaching Resource – helpful list of resources for Pharmacology educators.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)
JoVE has created videos of scientific experiments from the top laboratories around the globe.
This organisation provides a platform for Higher Education lecturers and institutions to find and share resources and support for remote teaching, assessment and student support in response to COVID-19.
Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR)
Teaching Resource Centre – resources to support the teaching of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
COVID-19 support and guidance - includes access to a forum for discussions around assessment, admissions, graduation and teaching.
Sheffield BioScience Programmes
Computer Assisted Learning packages - high-quality, interactive programs aimed at undergraduates in physiology, pharmacology, biological sciences, medicine & health-related courses.
University of Strathclyde
Pharmacology Simulations – educational suite of programs simulating pharmacological experiments on isolated tissues or whole animals.
University of Manchester
Teaching material – collation of simulations and other useful educational resources.
McGraw-Hill Connect HE platform
Connect – online platform integrating ready-made course content with assessment and tools. Free use for new and existing academic customers.
AD Instruments
Lt online platform - online learning platform with ready-to-use content for life sciences, nursing, and medicine. Made free to access by AD instruments recently.
Clinical Resources
Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
eLearning modules – CPD accredited educational modules on medicines for healthcare professionals responsible for prescribing, supplying or administering medicines.
Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare/British Pharmacological Society
Prescribe – eLearning content to support medical students with the principles of clinical pharmacology.
Prescribing simulator – formative assessment tool to develop prescribing skills.
Future Learn
Improving Healthcare Through Clinical Research – free online course about how medical treatments are discovered, tested and evaluated.
Research Animals Related Content
University of Leeds
Education and Training Resources in In-vivo Sciences (ETRIS) - provides links to freely available e-resources for use in the provision of education and training, or research, in in-vivo physiology, pharmacology and related disciplines.
Understanding Animal Research (UAR)
School Zone – page on the UAR website aimed at engaging young people with what animal research is and why it’s important.
Animal Research – educational resource providing scientific evidence in animal research. Contains an updated section on covid-19.
National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs)
Experimental Design Assistant (EDA) – this is a free online tool to support researchers in designing experiments.