Council has ultimate responsibility for all aspects of the British Pharmacological Society’s activities, including management, with the exception of those matters which must be decided by a general meeting of the members.
Council chooses to delegate responsibility to Committees. In addition, Advisory Groups have been established to represent the interests and views of members in clearly defined groups.
The Trustees employ a Chief Executive who is responsible for executing the decisions of committees and sub-committees and for the day to day management of the Society’s resources, including the other employees, and the Schild Plot building.
The Society currently employs over 25 full time staff and utilises the services of specialist consultants as required. The Chief Executive reports back to Council on performance against the objectives of the Society.
The Trustees are legally responsible for the overall governance, strategy, and direction of the Society. In terms of the Charities Act 2006, Trustees are accountable to the Charity Commission for ensuring that the Society’s objectives as a registered charity are being met. The Trustees are also the Directors of the Society.
The Council of Trustees, which meets four times a year, comprises of up to twelve individuals as follows:
- President (Chair)
- President-elect
- Honorary Treasurer
- Trustees elected from the Society membership
- Up to four Appointed Trustees
Elections to Council take place each year and are announced at the AGM. Any voting member of the Society can stand. Trustees are elected to serve between three to four years, depending on office.
In addition to their strategic and audit responsibilities, the Trustees are required by charity and company law to prepare for each accounting year financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial state of the Society and of the income and expenditure for that year. The Trustees must also ensure that the statements comply with the Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Society, and must therefore take reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The Trustees must ensure that they are aware of all relevant audit information and that the independent auditor is made aware of all such information.
Registered company number: 2877400
Registered charity number: 1030623
VAT registration number: 672 4634 24