Early career pharmacologists* (ECPs) are encouraged to submit articles to the fifth Pharmacology Matters Writing Competition.
We are looking for informative and well-written articles on a pharmacology-related topic of your choice. We encourage you to explore your topic in detail, while keeping it easy to follow for those who may be new to the topic.
The winning article will be published in the Spring 2024 issue of Pharmacology Matters. The winner will also receive a year’s complimentary membership of the British Pharmacological Society. Runners-up candidates will also be given the opportunity to publish their articles in Pharmacology Matters.
Last year’s winner was Jade Pullen, who explored the uses and harvesting impact of the iboga shrub. We also published the work of two exceptional runners-up – Marcus Ilg, who impressed judges with his piece on drug discovery in fibrosis, and Megan Jackson, who offered an oversight on apathy syndrome.
To join our winners, make sure you apply before 23:59 on Thursday 8 February 2024.
How to apply
Articles should be no longer than 1000 words, aimed at a public audience and follow our author guidelines. Images and figures can be included, but remember these must be understandable by a non-specialist audience. Any references should be added as hyperlinks to the relevant text.
Please note, we can only accept original submissions. Articles will be reviewed by our Editorial Board and any amendments will be made with the consent of the author.
When your article is ready, please submit it via email to chloe.gynne@bps.ac.uk using the subject line ‘Pharmacology Matters ECP Competition Entry’. Please submit your entry as a Word document along with any image files.
The closing date is 23:59 on Thursday 8 February 2024 (please note that this has been extended from its original deadline, 24 January 2024).
The entries will be judged anonymously by a panel of judges, and we will aim to publish the winning piece in the Spring 2024 Issue of Pharmacology Matters.
If you have any questions, please contact chloe.gynne@bps.ac.uk.
Tips from our Editors
Editor-in-Chief Prof Steve Tucker says:
“What I always look for is an article that really stands out! To do that it needs to pull together the science into an interesting and engaging story that is entertaining, but also relevant. I want to be left in no doubt as to the significance of the work to me and society more broadly!”
To support you with writing your article, Senior Editor Dr Aisah Aubdool pulled together five top tips:
Confidence is key: A confident argument about a topic you’ve researched thoroughly will make for an article that both educates the audience but also encourages positive discussion.
Have a plan: List the points you want to cover in the article chronologically and always think about the end result of your project or research – who benefits from it, and how?
Bring your unique self to the article: Pick a topic/research field you’re truly interested in, perhaps something that influences your choice to be an ECP, or pharmacological innovations or therapies you have recently enjoyed learning about.
Engage the audience: Tell your story clearly, proofread your work and if possible, get feedback from your peers.
Enjoy the process: This is a chance to expand your writing skills and become better at sharing your science with the pharmacology community and beyond. Our editors will guide you to shape the article for publication – we want to hear your original thoughts and ideas and enable you to demonstrate your writing skills.
*our definition of an early career pharmacologist:
Clinical pharmacologists: Registrars in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (usually ST3s and above) registered for Higher Medical Training in the UK and the Republic of Ireland and those in comparable training schemes (including PhD schemes) elsewhere in the world.
All undergraduate, postgraduate and recent graduates studying or working in a field relating to pharmacology, no more than 7 years following final degree (be that BSc, MSC, PhD or equivalent), excluding career breaks.
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