
Our blog is a platform for members and partners to share their views and tell us about their work and interests. If you have any ideas for articles then get in touch.


The Lodestone Project: Reducing waste in university laboratories

08 Oct 2024 published October 2024

Yasmin Ahmed, third year BSc Clinical Pharmacology student at St George's University of London, discusses a team project designed to reduce waste and encourage recycling within the university's laboratories.

The Launch of a Brand-New eLearning Series by FPM: Equipping Healthcare Professionals to Manage Winter Pressures

02 Oct 2024 published October 2024

Jocelyn Richards explains the FPM's new series of e-learning around managing respiratory diseases, launching in autumn 2024.

Using a BPS bursary to attend a CNPHARS-IUPHAR High Training Course, China

19 Sep 2024 published September 2024

Yomi Benson shares the story of how he took advantage of a BPS bursary call, and attended a training programme in China.

Looking ahead to Pharmacology 2024

13 Sep 2024 published September 2024

Professor A. Mark Evans, Vice President - Meetings at the BPS, invites you to attend Pharmacology 2024 this December, and to make the most of a vibrant programme, set in the charming spa town Harrogate, Yorkshire.

Connecting Academia and Industry: The BPS at GSK Societies Fair 

06 Sep 2024 published September 2024

The BPS recently had the privilege of participating in the highly anticipated GSK Societies Fair in Stevenage, an event designed to showcase professional societies and their membership benefits to GSK employees

Beyond Pride: Improving inclusion and safety for the LGBTQ+ medical workforce

04 Sep 2024 published September 2024

The team from GLADD - The Association of LGBTQ+ Doctors and Dentists - explore reports of LGBTQ+ discrimination in the medical profession, and the responsibility everyone has to creating an inclusive and safe workplace for all.


Exploring New Frontiers in Pharmacology: An Unforgettable Experience at EPHAR2024

22 Aug 2024 published August 2024

Elif Alan Albayrak, an ECR member of the BPS, discusses her experience attending EPHAR2024 with support from the BPS' ECR travel bursary.

Event recap: UK Pharmacogenetics & Stratified Medicine Network 11th Annual Open Meeting

08 Aug 2024 published August 2024

Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed talks about the success of the UK Pharmacogenetics & Stratified Medicine (UKPGx) Network's 11th Annual Open Meeting.

Watch: Creating Engaging Content Webinar

31 Jul 2024 published July 2024

Watch a recording of the BPS' webinar on translating your science into engaging video, written and social media content.

Real-world applications of pharmacogenomics (PGx) in clinical settings

10 Jul 2024 published July 2024

Dr Mark J Hudson-Peacock, Chair/Medical Director of Mantara, explores the practical applications of PGx in clinical settings, highlighting its potential to revolutionise medicine, improve patient outcomes, and reduce adverse drug reactions.

Advances in trans and gender diverse pharmacology: A step forward in challenging times

27 Jun 2024 published June 2024

BJCP Guest editors Alice Tseng, Kimberly K. Scarsi and Mona Loutfy write about the new themed issue Pharmacological Considerations for Trans and Gender Diverse Populations, exploring the UK's "mixed track record on supporting the rights of trans and gender diverse people to self-determination and access to care".