Gaining work experience at Hull York Medical School

Published: 29 Jan 2025
By Mollie England

I am a sixth form student, studying A level Chemistry and Biology alongside a WJEC level 3 diploma in Criminology. I am keen to deepen my knowledge of the sciences, and it occurred to me that having an ultimate career goal in mind will help me to choose the right course at university.  As a charitable organisation involved in a wide range of activities, I decided to approach the British Pharmacological Society to see if they could give me any insight into potential opportunities in their industry. They were extremely helpful and said that they would help facilitate a work experience opportunity for me. They were true to their word, and so when Laura Sadofsky at the Centre for Biomedicine within Hull York Medical School contacted me to offer her assistance, I jumped at the chance to spend a week in her department.

My research to that point had led me to suspect that work exploring the impact that drugs and chemicals have on animals, plants and humans is likely to be both fascinating and extremely rewarding and so I hoped that obtaining this placement would enable me to gain a better insight into what that looked like in reality.
I was not disappointed. Within Hull York Medical School’s Centre for Biomedicine there are academics from a range of biomedical science disciplines and  Master’s and PhD students too. During the five days I was there I was able to shadow PhD students and watch them undertake experiments.

They explained why they were doing what they were, and what they would then do with the information gained as a result. It was incredibly pleasing to know that the work they were actively researching would have a significant impact in the years to come and I felt inspired that I too could potentially have such a rewarding career.

I also attended presentations on research ideas and projects individuals were working on. As each person gave a short summary of their research, there was an opportunity to ask questions and enquire about the content. I was intrigued to know more and learn from these experts. The presenters responded to questions regarding sustainability and how this would affect others in the future. Through this I realised that a job in this industry would be one of constant learning and progression - there will always be the chance to expand knowledge, whether in one specific chosen field or across a wider area.

By participating in this placement, I was able to fully grasp the importance of communication and the ability to work well with others. I learnt that teamwork is imperative in this industry, as there is a need to work closely with others while conducting experiments in the labs.

Overall, I really enjoyed my week at Hull University as seeing it in a real-life setting has drastically improved my interest in a career in pharmacology. The whole team at Hull York Medical School made me extremely welcome and went out of their way to give me the best insight possible into a career in this exciting industry.  I would thoroughly recommend that anyone else who finds themselves with this opportunity seizes it with both hands – it was a very worthwhile experience indeed.

Visit the Hull York Medical School website for further information about the Centre for Biomedicine


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About the author

Mollie England

My name is Mollie England. Having gained 10 GCSEs, I am currently studying 3 A-levels in Biology, Chemistry and Criminology and am hoping to study pharmacology at university next year. I have been trying to get as much work experience as I can to prepare me for this and my future career. In addition to undertaking placements in labs and other medical settings, I also have regular part time jobs at my local golf club and as a childminder’s assistant. In my free time, I enjoy walking my dog and I regularly ice skate.

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