
Our blog is a platform for members and partners to share their views and tell us about their work and interests. If you have any ideas for articles then get in touch.



25 Jul 2017 in Editorial published July 2017

Firstly, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as your new Editor-in-Chiefs. Pharmacology Matters has grown from strength to strength so I know I will have big shoes to fill but I’m excited to be involved in driving Pharmacology Matters in new directions.

Your Society

26 Jun 2017 in Your Society published June 2017

It’s quite something to think that by the end of this year we will have delivered and reported on our 2012–2017 strategy. I’m struck by just how far we as a Society have come in that time: increasing and diversifying our membership, ramping up our engagement with policymakers, and sharpening our brand and how we present ourselves to the wider world, among other achievements.

Clinical Pharmacology Month – get involved

19 Jun 2017 published June 2017

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT) is the only medical specialty in the NHS focusing on the safe, successful and cost-effective use of medicines. Lee Page, Clinical Education, Training and Policy Manager, reveals plans for the first ever Clinical Pharmacology Month, to take place in October 2017, which aims to raise awareness of the specialty.

Affinity Groups Update

30 May 2017 in Affinity groups published May 2017

Three of our Affnity Group co-chairs introduce their groups, what they have been up to, and what they have planned for 2017.

Education @ Pharmacology 2016

29 May 2017 published May 2017

A look back at Education Day at 2016's Pharmacology annual meeting, including the official launch of the new Pharmacology Core Curriculum.

Purdah – protecting the scientist’s voice

19 May 2017 published May 2017

We have joined many other leading organisations in signing a letter to the Cabinet Secretary asking for clarification from government on how ‘purdah’ affects scientists in the run up to an election. Here, Jono Brüün shares a few thoughts about why this issue is so important.


28 Apr 2017 in Editorial published April 2017

​We have certainly kicked off 2017 with a bang here at the Society and this issue brings together the latest developments and changes driven by you!

Your Society

28 Apr 2017 in Your Society published April 2017

In recent months British Pharmacological Society members have been encouraging us to do more to protect and promote pharmacology – whether in academic, industrial or clinical settings – and to communicate where we have real impact. Against that backdrop, this section of Pharmacology Matters will let you know of some of the work that the Society has been doing to advocate our discipline.

Introduction to the Finance Committee

28 Apr 2017 published April 2017

The Finance Committee at the British Pharmacological Society may seem a little mysterious in comparison with those committees more directly relevant to members’ areas of primary interest and expertise. This article will give a bit of an insight into what the Committee is really like, the value it adds to the work of the Society and the experience of members who serve on it.

Meetings update

28 Apr 2017 in Meetings update published April 2017

The Society's vice-president (meetings) and head of meetings and events reflect on some highlights from 2016 and look forward to a busy programme of meetings in 2017.

The Society’s Advisory Groups – guest starring the new International Advisory Group members

20 Apr 2017 published April 2017

The British Pharmacological Society is proud to have four Advisory Groups to represent the interests and views of its diverse membership. The Advisory Groups make a valued contribution to the Society’s activities by ensuring that members' needs are listened to and addressed. The success of these groups has paved way for the formation of a new group in 2017: the International Advisory Group.