Firstly, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as your new Editor-in-Chief, having recently taking over from Felicity Gavins.
Pharmacology Matters has grown from strength to strength during her term of office so I know I will have big shoes to fill over the coming years. I’m excited to be involved in driving Pharmacology Matters in new directions and I look forward to working with the new Managing Editor, David Adams, and the rest of the editorial team.
In this issue Jono reflects on the Society’s 2012–2017 strategy and recent developments, including the many ways members’ views are communicated externally to the government and policymakers to protect the voice of scientists. Vedia updates us on the growing Young Pharmacologists Advisory Group membership.
We also hear from Samir Ayoub, one of the Society’s Ambassadors, as he shares his recent successful outreach activities which includes inspiring insights into the Pharmacology Summer School he organises at the University of East London. We are then taken on a journey into the fascinating world of cruciverbalism, as Jeffrey Aronson takes a timeout from clinical pharmacology to share his 60 years’ experience as a crossword puzzle setter.
The Society really cares about young researchers and has an increasing number of awards to recognise achievement and initiatives to support development of outreach to attract young people into science. Two previous recipients of the Society’s Schachter Award, Simon Cleary and Joanna Clarke, reflect on how this award helped them in their postgraduate studies.
With Clinical Pharmacology Month just around the corner, we hear why it is important to raise awareness of the specialty and how you can get involved to support activities throughout October. We also catch up with Nicolas Monjotin, winner of the 2016 BJP Early Career Researcher Prize, and James Brown (The Biochemical Society) and Teesha Bhuruth discuss the importance of public engagement.
As always, you can find essential information about upcoming meetings so get your calendars out to note down those all-important registration and abstract submission deadlines! Niall Hyland and Susanne Schweda share highlights from the recent Focused Meeting in Nottingham which explored methods in drug discovery. We round up this edition of Pharmacology Matters with an update from the Drug Discovery, Development & Evaluation Affinity Group, who provide a taste of the type of symposia to expect at Pharmacology 2017.
Remember that in addition to the online magazine, the articles in this issue will go live here on the blog. Feel free to share your views or start up a discussion on any of the topics covered. We welcome your contribution, feedback and suggestions for future topics.
Best wishes,
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