
Our blog is a platform for members and partners to share their views and tell us about their work and interests. If you have any ideas for articles then get in touch.


An Australian adventure: winning the Outstanding Young Investigator Award

09 May 2019 in Prizes, awards and grants published May 2019

Robert Laprairie shares his experience of winning Outstanding Young Investigator 2018 from the British Pharmacological Society and ASCEPT

Our Affinity Groups are changing

23 Apr 2019 in Your Society published April 2019

We are getting started on an important project to improve our Affinity Groups, and I’d like talk to you about why we’re making changes.

President’s message: celebrating research and education

13 Mar 2019 in President's message published March 2019

Research and education really are at the heart of the Society’s work and they underpin everything we do. We know that joining with academic institutions is key to achieving our mission of global scientific, health, and economic impact by 2022.

Organising a Young Life Scientists’ Symposium

13 Mar 2019 in Young pharmacologists published March 2019

Each year the British Pharmacological Society, the Physiological Society and the Biochemical Society come together to support Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in organising a Young Life Scientists’ (YLS) symposium.

Pharmacology 2018 - Education Day

01 Mar 2019 published March 2019

The Society held the most well-attended conference to date with Pharmacology 2018, and arguably the most exciting. A range of national and international delegates gathered in central London to share fascinating new advances across the entire pharmacology discipline.

Winning the Bülbring Award

20 Feb 2019 in Prizes, awards and grants published February 2019

Clare Parish talks about how winning the Bülbring Award helped her get back on track after a career break.

President’s message: my Pharmacology 2018 highlights

15 Jan 2019 in President's message published January 2019

In my first message to you as your President this time last year, I said that one of my priorities for 2018 was that our annual meeting would be our best yet. And based on what I saw at Pharmacology 2018 last month, and from the feedback I received both during and since, I can confidently say that we delivered.

Academic black dog

14 Jan 2019 in Equality, diversity and inclusion published January 2019

The idea that mental health issues are increasingly common amongst university students compared to the general public has gained traction in recent years. For example, in 2017 the All Party Parliamentary Group of Students found that 69% of students have felt depressed within an academic year – a percentage almost three times higher than that reported for the elderly.

Inspiring the next generation

12 Dec 2018 published December 2018

Work experience for school pupils is no longer mandatory but in many schools it is highly encouraged. Whilst shadowing an individual researcher can be useful to gain an insight into the daily workings of a research laboratory, the opportunity to carry out experiments may be limited.

I feel excited to continue my journey in science as it's now less daunting

05 Dec 2018 published December 2018

The Social Mobility Foundation (SMF) is a charity which aims to make a practical improvement in social mobility for young people from low-income backgrounds. With the help of professionals across 11 different career sectors, we support high-achieving 6th form and undergraduate students who have the academic ability to flourish in the top universities and professions, but who lack the encouragement, confidence and networks to help them get there.

Research: a career or a calling?

26 Nov 2018 in Equality, diversity and inclusion published November 2018

There is something of a public perception that ‘scientist’ is more a description of someone’s life than a job title. A scientist is someone who wears a lab coat, who may be a little wild in appearance and who spends all of their time alone conducting difficultto-understand experiments. Sadly, this perception is not solely the domain of `the public’ and, to a certain extent, is perpetuated and encouraged in academic labs.