Student Choice Award for Excellence in Pharmacology Teaching

This prize recognises exceptional teachers in pharmacology. Nominations are reviewed by the Early Career Pharmacologists Advisory Group and the winner receives a certificate and a trophy.


The nomination needs to include a PDF with short statements on:

  • why your teacher should win (100-150 words)
  • what makes your nominee stand out as an educator (100-150 words)
  • how you selected your nominee (100-150 words)
  • how the nominee has inspired or encouraged your career in pharmacology (100-150 words)

Nominations for 2024 are now open and will close at 11.59pm on Friday 15 November 2024.


Nominees will need to be teachers of pharmacology, either as a standalone or as part of another course. Teachers may be members or non-members working anywhere in the world. 

Nominators need to be:

  • Undergraduate members of the Society; or
  • (Postgraduate) Early Career members of the Society
Nominate now

Published: in Prizes and awards