Have an idea for a new resource?​

Do you have an idea for a new resource or activity to engage the pharmacology community or the wider public? We would love to hear about it. There are many ways the Society can support the development of your ideas through funding, including:​

  • Ambassador Grants​ - As an Ambassador you can apply for up to £250 a year to enable you to promote pharmacology and the Society within your organisation and local area.
  • Engagement Grants​ -  Awards open to the wider membership of up to £1,500 for creating or developing high quality, in person or digital, engagement and outreach activities that will reach a variety of public audiences. 
  • Engagement Seed Funding - up to £250 that can be used for high impact, low cost activities, or for the design and testing of activities that have potential to grow.
  • Meetings and Events Grants - up to £2,500 to help you organise independent meetings, events and symposia. Your event can be on a range of topics and in a variety of locations.
  • Education Grant​s - up to £2500 to support the creation or development of pharmacological educational tools and resources.
  • Promotion - Let us know about upcoming events and activities and we can promote them across Society members.

The staff team are also on hand to discuss ideas at their early stages, give advice and look for ways to support projects, even if they do not fall into the categories listed. You are welcome to email the team any time at getinvolved@bps.ac.uk

As well as helping you to bring your ideas to life, these projects also provide ideas for other Ambassadors and increase the resources available to everyone.​
