If you are a medical graduate, it is likely that you have already started your two years of Foundation Training, and will be thinking ahead to your specialty training. If you haven’t graduated, you may wish to start with Clinical Pharmacology for Medical Students.
It is worth considering the characteristics you might need as a CPT specialty trainee. CPT tends to appeal to trainees with a wide range of interests and skills, and will particularly suit trainees who are:
- Self-directed
- Keen to work with a measure of independence
- Innovative
- Seeking variety
- Inquisitive
Foundation Training is a great time to find out more about different specialties before you commit. If you think you are interested in specialising in CPT, get in touch with local clinical pharmacologists and arrange to spend some time with them to get a taste of the specialty. They do not have to be based at the hospital where you are completing your Foundation Training.
Once you have completed your Foundation Training you will be awarded with a Foundation Programme Certificate of Completion (FPCC) and can start the next phase towards specialisation: Internal Medicine Training (IMT). This means that towards the end of your Foundation Training you will need to make some decisions about your options for IMT.
Find out more about internal medicine training.