Professor Pasquale Maffia

Professor Pasquale Maffia is a Professor of Cardiovascular Immunology at the University of Glasgow (UK) and Co-Lead of the ARUA (African Research Universities Alliance)/Guild Africa-Europe Centre of Excellence (CoRE) in Non-Communicable Diseases. He also holds a professorship in Pharmacology at the University of Naples Federico II in Italy. He is an elected Fellow of both the British Pharmacological Society (BPS) and the European Society of Cardiology. Pasquale currently serves as Vice-President for Engagement at the BPS, Chair of the IUPHAR Immunopharmacology Committee, and Chair of the Heart Research UK Translational Research Medical Review Panel. He is also the Deputy Chair of the IUIS Immunotherapy Committee, a member of the Executive Committee of the British Atherosclerosis Society, Deputy Editor of Cardiovascular Research, and Associate Editor of Pharmacological Research.

Pasquale's primary research focus is the immune response in cardiovascular diseases. To date, he has published around 140 scientific articles in leading peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Genetics, Nature Reviews Immunology, Nature Reviews Cardiology, The Lancet Global Health, Immunity, European Heart Journal, and Circulation.

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