Inclusion, equity and accessibility​

The Society launched its Vision for EDI in 2021, and since then progress has been slow but steady. Throughout 2023, the focus was on ensuring all committees and groups identified an EDI lead and developed an action plan related to their work, including a diversity data plan. Through the CRM (contact relationship management system) we implemented a process to collect diversity data across all aspects of our work, for example in relation to election and nomination processes, registration for meetings etc. As diversity data is opt-in, we do not currently have data that is readily reportable due to reporting thresholds not being met. Throughout 2024, we intend to build a campaign into our normal data collection cycles to encourage participation and therefore build a stronger picture of how well we are doing against our EDI priorities. 
Alongside seeking to build a culture of inclusion, belonging and equity within our membership we also committed to ensuring the Society is an inclusive and equitable employer. Following a staff survey in 2022 and the impact of the restructure in the middle of this financial year, the Executive worked with the Senior Leadership team to set a positive organisational culture and build a collaborative and creative workplace for all. 


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