Message from the CEO​

Rachel Lambert-Forsyth, CEO of the British Pharmacological Society

2022 was a busy and productive year at the British Pharmacological Society (BPS). And while we will all feel the effects of the pandemic for a long time to come, it felt like this year we could be a little less reactive and get back to focusing on our shared goals as a community.

Two strong themes for 2022 at the BPS were reunion and renewal. As vaccination programmes around the world continued and the threat of COVID eased, we were able to start meeting safely face-to-face again. We were delighted to be able to hold our first in-person annual meeting since 2019. Seeing our pharmacology community coming together again to catch up, make new connections and share science was a real cause for celebration, and reignited our excitement for the 19th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WCP2023) the following summer.

Some attendees of the British Pharmacological Society's annual 'Pharmacology' event, held in Liverpool in September 2022.

It was also a year in which we renewed our commitment to our goals and vision for the Society. This annual review sets out how we performed against the objectives we set and demonstrates our successes in the face of a significantly changed and ever-changing economic, political and social landscape. I am particularly proud that the Society has continued to be a home for many within the global pharmacological community and has made important steps towards making that community even more inclusive.

2022 set the stage for the important and exciting role of bringing WCP2023 to Glasgow and uniting pharmacologists from around the world.

On behalf of the Society, I'd like to thank our volunteers who contributed significantly to the Society in 2022.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. If you have any comments or questions about this annual review, please contact us at


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