Financial statements​

Download a PDF of the British Pharmacological Society’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022. The financial statements include the Financial Review, Statement of Financial Activities and Balance Sheet, together with the Notes to the Accounts. They show the overall financial performance of the Society and provide an analysis of the incoming resources and how they were applied in the performance of the Society’s objectives.  

Total Funds  

The financial performance reported is of the “Group”, which means the Society together with its two trading subsidiaries, BPS Assessment Limited and BPS Trading Services Limited.  

The total funds decreased by £883K and the resulting balance of total funds at 31 December 2022 amounted to £5,793K.  


Income for the year totalled £4,288K which is a decrease of 5.2% over 2021.   

Charitable activity income from journal publishing, which is the Society's main income source, decreased by 11.8% to £3,424K mainly because 2021 included income from the journal publishers on completion of a new agreement.  

Member numbers decreased by 6.3% to 4,469 and membership subscription income decreased by 6.3% to £117K. The decrease in numbers is primarily attributable to a decrease in the number of Undergraduate Student members.  

Scientific meetings income increased by £47K to £123K as the easing of COVID-19 restrictions meant that some additional meetings and events could be held after the cancellations and postponements in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. Pharmacology 2022 was held as an in-person two-day event, instead of three days as had been the case for 2019 and prior.  

In terms of projects and awards, in 2022 the Society was delighted to receive a significant donation from the Dollery family enabling the Sir Colin Dollery Clinical Pharmacology Training Award to be established.  

Income from educational activities came to £332K which is a decrease of £29K.

Investment income was £14K higher at £87K due to some market recovery in response to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.  

In addition, there were net losses on investments totalling £576K.  


Expenditure on charitable activities totalled £4,570K which is a 9.0% increase of £376K. The Investment Manager costs amounted to £24K in addition.  

Journal publishing costs increased by £83K to £1,446K reflecting increased publisher costs and Society support costs associated with publishing.  

Members services at £235K was a 26.2% increase of £49K over the previous year.  

Educational activities at £1,758K was a 3.5% decrease of £64K over the previous year.  

Projects and awards at £202K was a 8.0% increase of £15K over the previous year.  

Scientific meetings at £929K was a 46.1% increase of £293K.  

Capital expenditure totalled £55K of which £51K was for the new contact relationship management (CRM) system which went live on 30 September 2022. 


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