Consultation responses


Good Clinical Trials Collaborative – New proportionate guidance for Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT)

06 May 2022

The Good Clinical Trials Collaborative published new draft guidance for Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT). This guidance was developed in partnership with over 100 experts from across the clinical trials community, but in order to ensure the guidance received maximum scrutiny, they opened the consultation to the public.  

Department of Health & Social Care – Call for Evidence: Women’s Health Strategy

13 Apr 2022

In June 2021, the Department of Health & Social Care opened a call for evidence to inform their Women’s Health Strategy. In the ministerial foreword, issues such as underrepresentation in clinical trials for women and pregnant women, maternity inequalities, disparities made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic were all highlighted.  

Nuffield Council on Bioethics – The Future of Ageing inquiry

15 Jan 2022

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics recently launched a new in-depth project on the future of ageing. Within this, was a consultation with several sections. Of most relevance to the Society was a section exploring the increasing interest in the role that biomedical research and technological innovation can play in helping people live well in older age.  

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee – Call for Evidence: Reproducibility and research integrity

22 Nov 2021

Issues surrounding reproducibility and research integrity have been identified from as early as 2005. In 2017, this select committee held an inquiry into research integrity (you can read the Society submission here) which resulted in the government actioning UKRI to establish a national research integrity committee. The committee then launched a new inquiry into reproducibility and research integrity, with a shift of focus to reproducibility.  

UKRI consultation on Open Access policy

19 Nov 2021

Between February and May 2020, UKRI conducted a public consultation on their future Open Access policy, as part of the UKRI Open Access Review. UKRI’s intention is to create a “a single UKRI OA policy for research articles and long-form research publications that acknowledge funding from UKRI and its constituent councils”. For the consultation, UKRI supplied a proposed policy and invited responses to it and to some questions. The Society sent a response to the consultation in May 2020. 

Health Education England – Long-term strategic framework for health and social care workforce planning

05 Nov 2021

NHSEI, Health Education England and the Society joined forces to submit a response to Health Education England’s call for evidence on updating the strategic framework for workforce. The submission has been endorsed by the Clinical Pharmacology Skills Alliance (CPSA).  

Spending review 2021

11 Oct 2021

In our joint Clinical Pharmacology Skills Alliance representation to the review, we asked the government to invest in our ten-year workforce strategy for clinical pharmacology and to support us in developing an innovative medicine model for the NHS, to ensure that we get the best outcomes and value from medicines.  

MHRA consultation reclassifying two medicines containing desogestrel from prescription only (POM) to pharmacy (P)

08 Jul 2021

The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) opened a call for evidence about the potential reclassification of Lovima and Hana – oral contraceptives used for the prevention of pregnancy in women of childbearing age. Lovima and Hana tablets contain desogestrel and are a progestrogen-only oral contraceptive, sometimes known as the mini-pill.  

CQC 2021 strategy focusing on research

27 May 2021

The independent regulator of health and social care in England, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), has today published its new strategy, recognising the benefits of clinical research to patient outcomes.

Scottish Government's consultation on the 'Heart disease: action plan'

02 Mar 2021

In February 2021, the Scottish Government consulted on their draft Heart disease: action plan (2021), the Society submitted a response to this consultation.