
Our blog is a platform for members and partners to share their views and tell us about their work and interests. If you have any ideas for articles then get in touch.


Inclusion at the British Pharmacological Society

17 Aug 2018 in Equality, diversity and inclusion published August 2018

The first objective set out in the Society’s new five-year strategy for 2018-2022, which launched at the end of 2017, is “To remove barriers to participation and success, while welcoming equality and celebrating diversity, and being inclusive in all we do”.

The opioid epidemic: new approaches to an old problem

08 Aug 2018 in Affinity groups published August 2018

Opioid analgesics have been a mainstay of pain treatment for centuries but over the past few decades, their overuse for both medical and non-medical reasons has led to what has been described in the popular press as a worldwide opioid epidemic, and by the USA Department of Health and Human Services as a public health emergency.

Three ways to address the mental health crisis: better funding, better understanding, better medication

06 Aug 2018 published August 2018

PhD programs have always been tough. In my postgraduate days, ‘second-year blues’ was rampant: the process seemed to have taken an age already, but there was still such a long haul ahead. What seems to have changed is that too many students now perceive the stress as intolerable and do not pull through the process.

Your Society

31 Jul 2018 published July 2018

In my last blog in April I shared a few thoughts about our new five-year strategy. As you would expect from me as Chief Executive, our long-term goals are never far from my mind, so I want to return to the subject here to consider how we have begun to take that plan forward.

The President on the road: from the House of Commons to World Congress in Japan

12 Jul 2018 in President's message published July 2018

It has been a hectic – but very enjoyable – couple of weeks representing the Society, first in Parliament in London and then at the World Congress of Pharmacology in Kyoto in Japan.

There is a heavy cost to getting a PhD that nobody talks about

06 Jul 2018 published July 2018

Embarking on a PhD is a journey of epic proportions. Initially filled with excitement and enthusiasm, students are compelled by the idea of pushing the frontiers of human knowledge.

Using animals in biomedical research: why education holds the key

13 Jun 2018 published June 2018

Animal (or in vivo) experiments play an important role in biomedical research. They are essential to support the development of innovative medicines which can ultimately improve human and animal health.

Mental health issues: a common lab hazard?

05 Jun 2018 published June 2018

While many researchers are fighting the good fight in the lab, it seems we are losing a war with our own health. A recent publication from Nature determined that graduate students are six times more likely to experience periods of depression and anxiety compared to the general population. So what is it about being in research that predisposes us to such health hazards?

Antipodean molecular pharmacology of G protein-coupled receptors

23 May 2018 published May 2018

Nicola Smith talks (enthusiastically) about G protein-coupled receptors and how she came to study them.

President’s message: celebrating our award winners

16 May 2018 in President's message published May 2018

One of the highlights of being President of the Society is being able to celebrate the achievements of our members by announcing the recipients of our prizes and awards. Each prize and award, in its particular way, is designed to encourage, reward and raise the profile of a part of our vibrant community.

President’s message: upcoming meetings – so much science, so little time!

16 Apr 2018 in President's message published April 2018

Steve Hill looks forward to a busy few months of Society meetings and events.