President's message: Journey to WCP2022

Published: 29 Jun 2020
Category: Editorial

My update will be brief this month, as we have a packed newsletter with everything from job opportunities to competitions, articles, educational resources, and event updates.

I would however recommend taking a few minutes, after you have read all the Society’s latest news, to watch this video from Professor Amrita Ahluwalia, about the journey to WCP2022.

As you will know, together with IUPHAR, we are bringing the 19th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology to Glasgow, Scotland in 2022. Although it is still two years away, now is the time to start submitting your ideas for the symposia, workshops and debates for the meeting. We want to make this a memorable meeting, a celebration of science that transcends boundaries, and brings together the world pharmacology community.

WCP2022 has a six-day programme featuring abstract presentations, interactive debates, networking opportunities and keynote presentations from speakers selected by our Scientific Organising Committee for their leadership and expertise in pharmacology. There is no better stage to showcase your work and to share how pharmacologists are meeting global healthcare challenges, including COVID-19.

There may still be uncertainty in the road ahead, as we navigate the pandemic, but the need for excellence in pharmacology and therapeutics research has never been clearer. Thank you for watching and reading, and I look forward to speaking to you again soon.

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