Blog - January 2019

Our blog is a platform for members and partners to share their views and tell us about their work and interests. If you would like to submit an article please send us your ideas.

All members of the Society are able - and encouraged to comment on each blog. The option to comment is enabled once you have signed in to the website with your email and password.


President’s message: my Pharmacology 2018 highlights

15 Jan 2019 in President's message published January 2019

In my first message to you as your President this time last year, I said that one of my priorities for 2018 was that our annual meeting would be our best yet. And based on what I saw at Pharmacology 2018 last month, and from the feedback I received both during and since, I can confidently say that we delivered.

Academic black dog

14 Jan 2019 in Equality, diversity and inclusion published January 2019

The idea that mental health issues are increasingly common amongst university students compared to the general public has gained traction in recent years. For example, in 2017 the All Party Parliamentary Group of Students found that 69% of students have felt depressed within an academic year – a percentage almost three times higher than that reported for the elderly.