Editorial - December 2017

Published: 21 Dec 2017
Category: Editorial

In our winter issue of Pharmacology Matters we hear from members from across the world who share their diverse experiences of being part of a global community of pharmacologists.

Following on from Jono’s update on the changes within the Society, Ross King sheds light on the value of work experience gained through laboratory internships. With the newly formed Advisory Groups set up by the Society, we get the chance to catch up with Patrick Sexton and Felicity Gavins, as they take the time to share their vision for the International Advisory Group (IAG), outlining its priorities and objectives for the year ahead. With the deadline for abstract submission for the 18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology approaching, Hitoshi Hashimoto invites you to attend the meeting in Kyoto and provides important information and key dates for those interested in venturing to Japan in July 2018. Adam Pawson and Steve Alexander promote the 2017/18 edition of the Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY. The scale of the effort involved in bringing this free online database to the scientific community is inspiring, with contributions from an international consortium of over 150 collaborators from 22 countries, across industry and academia.

After being awarded a BPS travel bursary, Gillian Durham shares her experience of attending her first international conference, the XXXVII Congreso Sociedad Española de Farmacolologia (SEF) meeting in Barcelona. We then turn the spotlight further afield to hear from Kim Outhoff and Vanessa Steenkamp at the University of Pretoria who describe the careers options open to pharmacology graduates in South Africa. Simon Maxwell shares his insight into the differences in the UK and international prescribing assessments and areas of variability in structure and delivery across different institutions. We then round up this issue of Pharmacology Matters with an update on the Society’s meetings for the year ahead, and news from our Affinity Groups.

As 2017 draws to a close, it only leaves me to thank the editorial team of Pharmacology Matters, the team at the Schild, and all of the authors who have contributed over the year to make the magazine the success it is today.

Best wishes for the new year ahead, Margaret

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