British Pharmacological Society comments on the UN Commission on Narcotics vote on the WHO recommendation on ketamine

Professor David Webb, President of the British Pharmacological Society, comments on the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs vote on the WHO recommendations on ketamine:

“The British Pharmacological Society represents over 3,500 members in more than 60 countries worldwide, including many countries were ketamine is commonly used as an anaesthetic in live-saving and life-changing surgery, and also low and middle income countries where it is the only available anaesthetic option. For over 30 years, the WHO has listed ketamine on its Essential Medicines List, recognising its value in many countries for anaesthesia and pain relief in both adults and children. It would be a tragedy if access to ketamine was impeded for its legitimate anaesthetic purpose, as highlighted by the authors of recent Lancet correspondence on the widespread use of ketamine in medicine.”

Published: 16 Mar 2016 in Society news