VoYS: 'Quality and Peer Review' workshop

Discover how the peer review process actually works, debate the challenges and future of peer review, find out how you can get involved and the role peer review plays in empowering people to interrogate claims that affect their lives. Learn from academic editors, publishing experts and reviewers at major scientific journals and publishing companies.

23 Oct 2020

Abstracts deadline:

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  • Overview

Sense about Science are running two online workshops for early career researchers in the autumn this year:

'Standing up for Science' - Friday 18 September:
Find out how you can engage with the public, the media and policy makers to stand up for science and evidence in public discussions. Learn from experienced academics, journalists and policy makers.

'Quality and Peer Review' - Friday 23 October:
Discover how the peer review process actually works, debate the challenges and future of peer review, find out how you can get involved and the role peer review plays in empowering people to interrogate claims that affect their lives. Learn from academic editors, publishing experts and reviewers at major scientific journals and publishing companies.

Both workshops are run as part of the Voice of Young Science network, which consists of nearly 4,000 early career researchers from across Europe who are committed to taking an active role in public discussions of science and evidence.

Don't miss out on these opportunities to learn from and discuss with a wide range of professionals and experts. If you want to see the curtains lifted on the peer review process or discover how to contribute to the public discourse around science and evidence, then don't wait: complete the short form to apply for your FREE place at either or both workshops now!

Any questions? Email Joshua Gascoyne at josh@senseaboutscience.org

Apply here