Affiliate Member


Rebecca Luckhurst is an Acquisitions and Publishing Manager at Pharmaceutical Press, the publishing arm of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

In her role, Rebecca oversees all aspects of the creation of externally authored content, including the day-to-day activities of the Science and Therapeutics Writing and Commissioning teams. She is responsible for the overall management of a large body of internationally based external content creation stakeholders (including Editors, Contributors and Freelance Writers) who create world renowned content for healthcare professionals and Scientists.

Rebecca has over fourteen years editorial and writing experience gained through working on a variety of internationally respected medical publications at Pharmaceutical Press.
After completing a BSc in Pharmacology, Rebecca studied for an MSc in Clinical Pharmacology.

“The BPS training workshops have proven to be particularly valuable to keep up to date with latest developments in the field, and the annual BPS conference has been a great networking opportunity”.