BPS Assessment - training solutions

About BPS Assessment

BPS Assessment is the commercial assessment and eLearning arm of the British Pharmacological Society. Its mission - to drive improvement in medication safety through knowledge, assessment, and learning - has propelled the launch of multiple training products in countries all over the globe. Since its launch in 2017, BPS Assessment has grown a strong international customer base and looks to continue expanding its products and services in line with market need.

Training products and services

Prescribing Skills Assessment

Primarily focusing on prescribing education and training, BPS Assessment’s flagship product is the Prescribing Skills Assessment. This online assessment is derived from the UK Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) and includes over 1,000 questions, written by key subject matter experts, that span 8 core areas of prescribing skills, across a range of clinical settings.

The questions delivered in the Prescribing Skills Assessment are often localised to the standards of practice within a customer’s specific region and are currently offered to medical and pharmacy schools in Australasia, the Middle East, Europe, South East Asia, and North America.


BPS Assessment also offers bite sized online assessments for those looking for training in specific areas of prescribing. The Simulators focus on areas of training which are known to be more complex or commonplace in clinical practice, such as deprescribing/polypharmacy, antimicrobial resistance, general practice, and hypertension. Each Simulator comprises of around 15 question items, all utilising the same style and format as the questions used in the Prescribing Skills Assessment.

CPT Elective course

Clinical pharmacology is also an area in which BPS Assessment offers training materials.  The CPT Elective is a fully comprehensive two-week course of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, including a pre-course knowledge check and a final formative assessment. 
Developed by experts and delivered through BPS Assessment’s online platform, this self-marking course covers key prescribing topics such as PKPD, medication errors, ADRs and monitoring drug therapies. It provides a concise, targeted learning experience and demonstrable improvement to students' understanding of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics.


There are over 50 eLearning sessions available from BPS Assessment, all written by experts in the field. They have been designed to develop students’ understanding of both clinical pharmacology and prescribing in practice, with quizzes and knowledge check questions throughout. The eLearning sessions support the Prescribing Skills Assessment, allowing students to revisit topics on demand and continually test their knowledge before sitting an assessment.

International Prescribing Safety Assessment

The Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) is a UK-recognised professional qualification that is newly available to international medical schools and their students. This summative assessment includes 8 question item styles developed to test the competencies defined by the General Medical Council (GMC). This means that - unlike the Prescribing Skills Assessment – content cannot be tailored to a specific region or medical database.

You can register your interest in participating in the International Prescribing Safety Assessment by following this link to our website.

Discover more BPS Assessment products and services by visiting the website.