Plan S Consultation Response from the Society Publishers’ Coalition

In November 2018, cOAlition S announced its guidance on the implementation of Plan S, providing further information on how the group expected authors and publishers to comply with its 10 principles for making its funded research Open Access. This guidance was made open for public feedback, with a request for comment on areas requiring clarification or adaptation.

In our response, we consulted and combined our views with other members of the Society Publishers’ Coalition (SPC). The SPC is a group of likeminded, not-for-profit learned societies who publish journals as part of their charitable objectives and who re-invest the surplus from their publishing into the disciplinary communities they serve. SPC members share the common ambition to see an orderly and sustainable transition to open scholarship. In this collective response, we expressed concern that Plan S, as currently defined, may cause harm to society journals and impede their transition to Open Access, and requested clarification and support on routes towards achieving Plan S’ goals.

Read our response

Published: 20 Feb 2019 in